Some ancient projects from a prior life:
- kstructhunter - Routines for hunting down kernel structs.
- ksymhunter - Routines for hunting down kernel symbols.
- Dam Burst - Unprivileged bypass of the Green Dam censorship software.
- dpkt - Fast, simple packet parsing in python.
- pdpt - Passive discovery of resolvers vulnerable to CERT VU #800113.
- flowscrub - Simple, powerful flow anonymization.
- vnclogger - Passive network keylogger for VNC/RFB connections.
- pynids - Updated release of libnids python wrapper.
- - Normalized Compression Distance (NCD) in python.
- - Python port of Michal Zalewski’s 0trace hop enumeration tool.
- pybgpdump - Easy parsing of BGP messages from MRT dumps.
- aimject - Point-and-click MITM attacks against AIM messaging clients.
- gdnet - GUI demonstrating the capabilities of libdnet.
- winnie - Network scanner for fingerprinting Honeyd deployments.
- ARC4 crypto - ARC4 crypto module for the 2.4 and 2.6 Linux kernel.